North Carolina Muscadine Grape Association
Register Now for the 2024 Muscadine Conference
March 15 & 16 in Kings Mountain and Shelby, NC
Click here for more information.

Peggy and Jeff Bloodworth at the WOW Grapes Vineyard in Kings Mountain, NC, site of the conference tour and pruning workshop.
Exciting Research on Muscadine Health Benefits
The muscadine grape is a nutritional powerhouse. Like many intensely colored fruits, vegetables, and berries, the muscadine grape is a rich source of polyphenols. The skins and seeds of muscadine grapes are particularly rich in the polyphenolic compound resveratrol, which has been studied for its anti-oxidant benefits in numerous diseases, including cancer and heart disease. However, many of the health benefits of the muscadine have been linked to other polyphenolics, including ellagic acid. A recent study at NC State University found that a compound contained in muscadines, green tea, and chocolate may inhibit the Covid-19 virus!
Exciting research at Wake Forest University School of Medicine over the past five years investigated the use of a highly concentrated muscadine grape extract in both animal studies and clinical trials in humans. The researchers showed that the muscadine grape extract reduced human breast and prostate tumors growing in mice, improved gut health and cardiovascular health in rodents, amplified the effectiveness of standard breast cancer therapies in mice with human tumors, improved exercise capacity in hypertensive rats and reduced self-reported fatigue in cancer patients. The research team includes over 25 faculty members from multiple departments. This work is supported in part by a $20 million gift made in 2015 by an anonymous donor. The studies are on-going; the concentrated extract is still in research and development and is not commercially available at this time. However, muscadine grapes and other muscadine grape products are available to everyone now! Learn more about this research and muscadine health benefits here.
Thank you to these Association Sponsors for 2023.